20+ years of recruiting excellence

NO STALE DATABASE! We advertise every job. This means we get candidates who are keen and looking. Many recruiters will sell you on their database but we find this is inefficient and gets poor results.

Our process is a combination of direct approach, industry mapping and advertising.

Kogan People Solutions

For recruitment assignments we offer a partnership approach that ensures a successful outcome every time. Our philosophy is that we are an extension of your business. This approach has resulted in great success in placing permanent staff over the last few years.

A thorough job requirement brief. Before we start any candidate search we really listen to your needs, research your culture and work with you to develop a comprehensive understanding of your needs for each assignment.

Kogan People Solutions
Kogan People Solutions

A dedicated client manager for all your requirements. When you deal with Kogan People Solutions, you will deal with the same client manager every time.


Please contact us if you would like more information about our services

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Premier Staffing Solutions for over 20 years across Australia